Symptoms may include nausea, sweating, cravings, insomnia, anxiety, and irritability. Yes, individuals using Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) can be considered sober. MAT is a legitimate medical treatment for addiction, involving medications that help manage cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

  • While abstinence emphasizes abstinence as a way of life, it also considers other aspects of a person’s life.
  • If you’ve been thinking about attending rehab for drug or alcohol addiction, you’ve probably seen the terms “sobriety” and “recovery” come up a lot in your research.
  • For some, the structure and support of an abstinence-based program like AA or NA may provide the necessary framework to maintain sobriety.
  • By cultivating gratitude, you will be more successful and happier in your lives.
  • Keep in mind that your relationship with the definition of sobriety and abstinence might change over time.

Is There a Difference Between Abstinence and Sobriety?

Finding the joys and miracles of a new sober lifestyle is at the very essence of recovery. Once you experience these great joys, you can share with those that still may be struggling and give them hope for a life free from drugs and alcohol. Nearly one-third of individuals in the United States meet lifetime criteria for an alcohol use disorder (AUD)(Grant et al., 2015).

difference between sobriety and abstinence

Substance Use Disorder

Sobriety entails making positive changes in various aspects of one’s life. This can include adopting healthier habits, building a support network, and creating a balanced lifestyle. By replacing destructive behaviors with positive alternatives, individuals in recovery can create a foundation for long-term sobriety. While both sobriety and abstinence Top 5 Advantages of Staying in a Sober Living House can positively impact mental health, sobriety often involves a deeper engagement with mental health issues. It includes actively working on emotional well-being, seeking therapy or counseling, and developing coping strategies for mental health challenges. Abstinence may not necessarily involve this level of mental health engagement.

Joining Support Groups

Addictive activities such as gambling, working and even eating can be detrimental to a person’s overall health, not to mention harm caused to other people. It is not only concerned with the physical health of an individual but also the mental and spiritual health. Sobriety is the power of our mind and spirit, and it only comes when we are honest to ourselves and want to make changes in our lives for good. The Recovery Village helps thousands of people to begin their recovery each year, and our programs have allowed many people to begin a life free from addiction. If you or someone you love is struggling with a substance use disorder, contact us today to learn about treatment options that can work well for you.

  • Recognizing addiction as a medical condition can remove the stigma and open doors to evidence-based treatments that are proven to be effective in helping addicts achieve long-term sobriety.
  • Oftentimes, our brains are searching for the same buzz or high we had the first time we tried drugs or alcohol.
  • It’s about cultivating a lifestyle that supports wellness and avoids any form of addiction, whether to substances or behaviors like gambling or overeating.
  • Often, but not always, a period of problematic use or addiction is followed by sobriety.
  • Just like in the abstinence phase, support is crucial in maintaining sobriety.
  • The key is to support individuals in finding a path that resonates with their personal goals and values, fostering long-term recovery and a fulfilling life beyond addiction.

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One crucial aspect of developing a comprehensive recovery plan is seeking professional help. Therapy can provide invaluable support and guidance throughout the recovery process. A skilled therapist can help individuals identify the root causes of their addiction, address underlying issues, and develop healthy coping mechanisms. I recommend finding a therapist who specializes in addiction and has experience working with individuals in recovery.